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Team Introduction

Writer: Views:383Time:2018-06-07

The Laboratory of Advanced Biomaterials and Nanomedicine at Soochow University is working on the development of innovative biomaterials and nanomedicine strategies to assist the diagnosis and treatment of challenging diseases, especially cancer. This is a young multidisciplinary research team, which includes 3 full professors, 1 research assistant professor, 1 technician, 6 PhD candidates, 18 master students and 6 undergraduate students. To date, there have been 11 PhD students and 18 master students coming out from our group.

•  2018 graduates' photo in June 2018


Mailing Address: Soochow University Dushu-Lake Campus,Box 33,199 Ren'ai Rd,Suzhou Industrial Park,Suzhou,jiangsu,215123,P.R.China

Courier: Institute of Functional Nano and Soft Materials,Soochow University Dushu-lake Campus,199 Ren'ai Rd,Suzhou industrial Park,Suzhou,jiangsu,215123,P.R.China

Postcode: 215123

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